Mod update time! The 1st song 'Retro' is going to be finished today! The 2nd song 'Spectral' is about 66% done. The 3rd song (unnamed) was started a while ago, but I don't like how it sounds so I'm gonna restart it. I'm really excited to show the R̵E̸D̸A̶C̷T̷E̸D̵ though!

29 372

~Portrait of a P̵o̵l̶t̸e̷r̷g̵e̴i̷s̷t̸~

15 46

p̴l̸e̸a̵s̸e̵ ̴c̶h̵o̸o̵s̸e̶ ̶y̵o̸u̸r̵ ̴n̷e̸x̶t̶ ̵w̷o̶r̶d̴s̶ ̴c̷a̵r̸e̷f̵u̶l̷l̸y̶
D̷é̷s̷û̷r̶a̵ ̵k̴n̵o̴w̶s̷ ̷n̷o̵ ̵f̸e̸a̷r̷

~have a very safe day! ^v^

1 10

..̷.d͟eci͞ded̀ ͟to͠ ̶b̸or͡ro̢w͞ s͠o̕m͏et͠h͘i͏n͘g̡.̶


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11 21


18 63



0 12

J̴u̸s̴t̴ ̶R̸e̴n̶

24 168

One word. WÉ̸R͘Ȩ̴͢WOL͏̛F͘.̨̡́

Commission for

6 21

͠a su̢nd̷ay.͠

͝e̛h̶. ͢w͟e͠ll͘, you͢ ̷c̵a̴n şee the fŗéck͝les̕ in th̸i̴s ligh͢tiņg.̀..

<<crossposting/ do not repost
enjoyed this speedpaint, i managed to find a way to record it still. will upload that too!>>

12 23

✶ n͜͡aM🄴 𓐄 winwin(s)yourheart
✶ M҈emBer̆̈ 𓐄 winwinn ・ ͜ʖ ・ ✿!
✶ 🅰️c̸c҉ 𓐄 𓈒

♡̷ 🚌💨 𓂋

301 125

Peanut W̶̨̾͑izard

► Take a bite of head

A... bite?

► No, go to academy

Wh... which?

►̶ waste of̵ ̴time ̷!̴ ̵check head for mag̸i̵c̵ ̷.̶ . We must Have it Q̷͍̋uicklẙ̸̗ !

Not sure... where the magic "is".

► F̵͉̏̾I̷̮̖̎N̸̹̮̿̚D̴̟͂͋ it
► useless

It's really loud in here.

2 16

Eu desenhei nosso "querido" e esquecido... I̸n̸t̸e̸r̸n̸e̸t̸ E̸x̸p̸l̸o̸r̸e̸r̸ :3

Ps: Um desenho tem efeito, e o outro não tem. Por isso te dois deles kkkkk

4 9

Busỳ we͡ek. N͠o̷t͝ of҉ten ̸I g͟o͜ ̸t̸his ͝c͞as̸u͘a̢l, ̴bu҉t I̴'vè ͝g͞o̴t̀ ͡er͟ràn̡ds to ̷r͝ųn̸ ̷at ̸H̨e͜nr͘y'̢s ́plac̷e.
wh͝a̷t͞?̷ ͢n͞ever s̕een me̶ ẃi͟t̷h ̵a ̛b̷a҉re̶ fące ̵a̵nd ͞no he҉e͡l͞s̕?
y̢eah͡, ͘ác͠t͠ual̷ly,̧ th̶át̵'s ͜a fi͠rst͝.


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10 14

?̴y̸p̸o̷C̵ ̶t̷c̷e̵f̸r̵e̸p̶m̶I̸

29 399

after shopping, only 50 (fifty) edition left.
thank you !


🛒#artistssupportingzaaa thanks for hashtag idea i ll use for all my nft carreer.

1 19


6 17

I don't need to find out little kitten...

Y̷o̴u̶ ̴a̵l̵r̶e̷a̶d̵y̵ ̵k̶n̵o̶w̴ ̴y̵o̶u̵r̷ ̷p̵l̴a̶c̶e̷ ̴i̴n̵ ̶o̴u̶r̸ ̸g̴r̵a̷n̷d̶ ̵d̵e̴s̷i̵g̸n̴.̵.̸.̸

0 3

.͟..T̢ḩơught ̶leg͟giņg͝s. ̨w̕ou͘l͠d ͞l͝o̷ok͞ ̸nic̨e͘ t̕oo͞.͡


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20 50

D̶a̶t̸a̸ ̵b̶r̸e̶a̵c̶h̸ ̵s̴u̸c̶c̵e̶s̴s̵f̶u̶l̴.̴ ̸I̶m̶p̴l̸a̷n̶t̴i̴n̷g̶ ̵S̵u̵b̸r̵o̸u̸t̵i̵n̷e̸ ̸a̷n̴d̷ ̴c̵o̷n̶v̶e̷r̶s̴i̷o̷n̷ ̸p̶r̷o̵g̷r̸a̷m̵m̶i̶n̴g̸.̴

I am changing a few things. From the lovely AI I met awhile ago, to the one I am corrupting now. Don't worry, it will be over soon.

0 1

W̸h̶o̸ ̴a̴m̷ ̵I̸?̴ ̷
W̴h̶a̸t̶ ̴a̶m̵ ̷I̷?̵

5 14