Just gonna pack these together

I’ve been reminded of my Hetalia phase ᵘⁿᶠᵒʳᵗᵘⁿᵃᵗᵉˡʸ

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Decided to do a redraw too 😆 Since 2009 was the first year I got (thirsty) into fanart and I'm back at it again 10 years later LOL

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I kinda miss my old chunky style. Some 2009 samples, 2019 watercolors and 2019 digital!

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aka I finally add backgrounds in my illustrations now

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....so I made some improvements.
Kinda ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Wow, time went by so fast. Dustfur was my sona before I knew what a sona was :3 the days of my Warrior cats ocs too (still love reading the books from time to time) 🐱 ❤

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I almost forgot that I made some art this year 😅

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And I definitely couldn't forget about these two cuties! I've got some plans for these two as well.

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Here's my Decade of Art comparison! I only started in 2010 so I'm a year off, but close enough!

August 2010 vs September 2019 (Close enough lol)
Here's to another year of growth and learning!

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Miss doing some traditional art 👨‍🎨

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am i too late to this party?
i still have a special place in my heart for this bad dude. he is a quintessential product of my interests at the time, which were mainly Penny Arcade and JTHM by the looks of it

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except im late and its 2012 because thats when i first got my drawing tablet.... oh how far we've come :')

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I didn't spend too much time this year working on or finishing a lot of personal work, but boy did I learn a lot! I've grown so much over the last 10 years, and I'm excited for the next decade to follow! Thank you so much for your support❤️

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Don't have very much for an art summary this year, but I guess I can do a
Still hate backgrounds, but that's something I'm gonna focus on 😳

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I don't technically know when the first drawing was from but it was 09 or sooner!

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