While have names that evoke fear and terror, there are some that do the opposite such as the long-snouted tyrannosaur, or “Pinocchio Rex” and a rather important tyrannosaur for Artwork by FunkMonk

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My solution to day 21 of
✔ Create a gift registry with a time limit and track statistics, all without relying on an external database.
💯 100% Functions <⚡> with Durable Functions throw in for workflow and state.

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The shorthead redhorse is part of a group of suckers called redhorses (Moxostoma), which are often studied as a group because they can be notoriously difficult to tell apart - even us biologists sometimes have trouble!

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Rudolph, the Red-horse Reindeer 🦌: We’re running SHORT on time before the big day! The shorthead redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum) can get us to in time!

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Day 19: Snowball Fight🌨️❄️

Della's having some fun with the kids in the snow!

Don't know about Dewey and Louie, but the girls are having some fun too~!

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Day 12: Favorite animal in a Santa hat

(Been quite a while since I've drawn this maniac, huh?)

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19. For is one of the earliest known from Western Europe, specifically England. Art by and skeletal drawing by

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To celebrate here is a nice moment from last December -

We were walking along the beach on Moreton Island, and my partner found a stranded a pregnant male.

We quickly got him in the water, waded out and then watched him swim away ♥️

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For today’s I offer you the humble brook trout

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Native to Europe, North Africa + Western Asia, brown trout are part of the Salmo genus, which makes them more related to Atlantic salmon than to native North American trout species like brook or rainbow trout

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The “big three” catfish species in North America are the flathead, channel, and blue catfish. Flathead catfish have a tail that’s less forked than the other two, and they also have a lower jaw that projects out (an “underbite”)

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While flathead catfish are part of the Ictaluridae (North American catfish) family, they’re the only species in their genus. Like other catfish, they have those sensory whiskers (barbels) + smooth, scaleless skin

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Day 17: Cuddles💕

This one may be my fav drawing of the challenge or one of my favs💚
It's pretty much a continuation of day 16~😊

It has its flaws but I love it anyway🥰

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The orange skunk clownfish needs a better PR manager

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Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow: while central stonerollers aren't typically found in the themselves, they’re common in small to medium streams + rivers around the basin

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We’re rolling right along into Day 16 of with the central stoneroller (Campostoma anomalum)!

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Some say Norwegians hiding their brooms on Christmas Eve to keep the witches away, but is it true? https://t.co/HM0HEO40t6

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Day 15: Fireplace🔥💕

A little romantic moment besides the fireplace and a good place to make a little nest to spend the night with your lovers💜💙🤎💚

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15. For let’s introduce the emperor dragon. Discovered in China, Dilong was a small that lived during the early Cretaceous, and shook the foundations of theropod and tyrannosaur study with its preserved feathers. Art by Alex Lovegrove

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