Friends 5ever

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The type of artist I am in a gaming community....
I do enjoy drawing while watching games lol.

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zbrush is the weirdest program 5ever but it's kinda working :3

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Supermoms 5ever OwO or the pathetic attempt at running a twitter acc orz /frets

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Thank you for the birthday wishes, everyone ; w; <3 drew Ayumi from Charlotte <3 u alive 5ever ok q u q

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best friends 5ever

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Super Scourge the Hedgehog is the most badass thing 5ever btw

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I've been waiting 5ever to publish this thing but here's my cover for the final issue of Marceline Gone Adrift!!

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Here's the inspiration for her outfit. I had this image on my computer like 5EVER ago

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first time tackling photoshop in 5ever, omg...for today's !

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/gross sobbing 5ever/

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happy Danny & Rafe day, ! May the power of dorky fighter pilots be with u ❤️

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*crawls into ditch and disappears 5ever*
_:(´□`」 ∠)_

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WIP because asked for one LUL //weeps5ever Now to finish it :C

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