Spike may be a dragon but he certainly acts more like a kobold. You know I'm a sucker for kobolds. Spike is no exception. Would give him lots of gems and love.

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Fun Chaoko Fact: Before starting work on Harmonic Hearts again, I tried to work on 2 games based around Thistle, my orange-y red kobold. One was a rogue-like tactical rpg with a similar party system to old final fantasy and dragon quest, and one that was a 2.5d action rpg.

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“Only ANNUS-es May Watch This Video”
Day 196
Bold. Brash. And Confidence!


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The quiet may be deafening .. but the shadows are alive.

Creators will push the envelope .. but collectors must be as bold.

From the void comes art .. and from art, comes NFTs.

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Can we all agree that the Bilgewater Event to this day was the coolest, most atmospheric and engaging out of any competitors? I can still think of the Butcher's Bridge music so vividly and "killing off" one of their champions was an exemplary display of Riot being bold. 😌

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Lastly we have Velvienne, the one who took off Berroltd's arm. She didn't come out of it unscathed either- Berroltd took away her ability to breathe fire. A pretty important aspect for dragons. In the game her dragon form is implied, but she only appears as a Kobold.

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Dragon version of Werevixen's kobold.
Thank you for commissioning! ^^

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Oh no, Dara has become a kobold...but wait...he likes it👀
A quickly thrown together model for an art challenge in the dergsquad discord server.
This time the theme was to turn your oc into a kobold.

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Look it's a kobold. (repost)

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The One Doctor - 8.5/10

An amazing story. I love the tone of this one, much alike lots of other early Big Finish adventures it's not afraid to be bold. Colin Baker and Bonnie Langford are both excellent as well as the remaining cast. Shame that it was written by a twat.

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Damn do I really need to start adding watermarks to my memes? Thieves are getting bold... as long as you're here, peep some more of my work:

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That's the end of another epic 🐉

Today's theme has been Heroines and Heroes! From the reluctant to the very bold. Who would you emulate?

This is signing off, wishing you all a lore-filled week 🦹‍♂️⚔️🦄🌞🧅🏇🎯💃

John Bauer 1914

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Warmup doodle/playing with a more complex design of mechanical bits. It's a protokobold. The purple hat should be more than enough to know who it is.

3 29

Here is my little dumbbold.

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This is your ‘bold. This is your ‘bold on hypno.

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Doing more art for another Popup Dungeon character.
Melody, a sort of bard/assassin kobold.

Still have 2 more card art to make and the items, may also change the names of the skills if I can think of something better.

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Coffee the kobold. A simple laborer and a happy one at that. Sometimes it's mining, sometimes it's trapping, sometimes it's pestering tall races for trade.

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