Day 14 - The master of all beasts, (well, at least three) it's BeastMaster Border Collie! 🐥🐏🐱

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Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs!!How was your day? I hope it was fun. I've had a great time making an image of with her I love the Lake District so threw in a view of Near Sawrey too. She is one of my heroes!!

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Macie and Meeka ❤️ my actual dog 🐶 wanted to make picture of her with my Shepard 😊.

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This is last picture of my best dog ever. RIP Rocky doggie (14 years 10 months old)

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LINEスタンプ すきすきボーダーコリーに入ってる「あついよー」スタンプを集めてみました。どれに入ってるか横に番号ふりましたので、お持ちのかたは(ありがとうございます)、使ってみてくださいませ〜(^∇^)

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ボーと生きてますw( ̄▽ ̄*)

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This looked horrible when I started but now it looks amazing and I don’t know what happened🙃💕

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'Preston' ..... Another passion of mine!...Border Collies!❤️
Watercolour and pen.

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When I was younger I used to checkout books in the library all about dogs. The different breeds were so fascinating to me. Who has a favorite dog breed here?
Border Collie

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Out fishing with the old man (on annual leave) when this happened...

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How is your day going, lovely people? I hope that you are having fun!!

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