in preparation of tonights new episode of game of thrones, here is art of last weeks episode

tormund and brienne are my favorite characters. brienne’s smile when she got knighted literally brightened up my soul. also sansa’s new goth outfits are SO GOOD

1 7



84 278

Maybe just let them have a moment in battle in case one of them dies? Haha

40 163


I thought of a scene from the books where Jamie is seeing Brienne and my heart hurts
"In this light she could almost be a beauty", he thought. "In this light she could almost be a knight."

2 18

Game of Thrones - Knights of the Seven Kingdoms. Just had to do a quick piece of my favourite duo in anticipation of the upcoming episode!

64 227

This is what happens when a fandom lives through so many intense emotions. Unvolontary collab with !! We decided we should post it together since our two drawings complete each other so well.

1 29

brienne tarth 〽️jimmy lannister

9 15

this moment from episode 2 was a long time coming. Love u Ser Brienne. (screencap redraw)

0 14

J'ai fait Brienne à l'aquarelle !

2 32

all this time brienne kept saying she's not a knight, thinking it's not possible for her dream to come true, thinking it will never happen. and now, after being laughed at all of her life, she is finally one, with support, love and respect of people around her. my heart

623 1720

3/17 Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games)
3/18 Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
3/19 Brienne and Arya (Game of Thrones)
3/20 Dejah Thoris (A Princess of Mars)

1 2

fuck traditions.

ser , knight of the seven kingdoms.

34 172

Ser Brienne of Tarth ⚔️ Most noble and badass of all knights💕 Yesterday’s episode had me scrunched up in a ball holding my own face I was so happy. Absolute favorite moment this season!!!! More Brienne, ALL THE BRIENNE

19 109

Je dédie ce magnifique livre () à l'adoubement de l'un de mes personnages préférés dans la série survivra-t-elle à ? Argh, quel suspense, ! cc

28 105

Brienne of Tarth, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

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