Meikerumon Pacifist Mode for amen95 Meicrackmon and Cherubimon Vaccine

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i did not know that cherubimon had an x-antibody form

"i have a little head, and big arms :( "

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a warm up cherubimon for friend :D

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When he meets up with Cherubimon, he explains about the power of darkness that exists at an unusual level within Kouichi, asking if he denies having such darkness within himself.

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For this, Cherubimon orders Duskmon to kill Koji, to eliminate the one who wants to bring light to his world of darkness. For that, Duskmon evolves to Velgrmon.

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Cherubimon manipulated Kouichi, causing him to further develop his negative feelings against Koji, his biological father and everyone who did not help him. Such hatred fills his existence with darkness, since Duskmon could only exist in darkness.

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But Cherubimon put a curse on the "Spirit of Darkness", giving rise to Duskmon. A Digimon who refuses to cooperate with the other Warriors of Evil, instead working alone to attack the Five Warriors of Justice. But Duskmon, is not an ordinary Digimon.

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Darkness, and at that moment Cherubimon was the one who held the power of the Spirit of Darkness. With Kouchi having his heart completely formed of darkness, Cherubimon would hand over the power of darkness to him.

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The "Spirit of Darkness" chooses its bearer. Only accepting the one whose heart contains powerful darkness, otherwise the spirit does not work. Cherubimon tested with several Digimon, but none had the necessary qualities.

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16. How good are they at cooking?

Surprisingly pretty good! She's no michelin chef but she can cook pretty much anything.

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finally finished Tri so rn all i care about is digimon....
Lopmon / Cherubimon(Virus) are my favs.

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Cherubim, chapter 6 -- Miss Gift

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Twins!! I'jm happy that Nity and Infin turned into both versions of Cherubimon X! Evil and good!

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It seems that Cherubimon (Vice) is now related to "Envy" (And going by the backstory from the Frontier era, makes sense), so now its makes more sense to think that Leviamon is the fully fallen form of Cherubimon.

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My desire for a switch has convinced me to open my commission. pls dm or message me if you guys are interested. or if you just want to donate, here is my Paypal -

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Happy birthday to Ohtomo Ryuzaburo, the voice of Vamdemon/Venom Vamdemon in Cherubimon in Sethmon & Orgemon in and Deusmon in


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These are my stories that I have made personally.. I hope you like them.
Also, I have changed my username as well as my signature.

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Thanks to being extremely close to God the 3 Great Angels can easily fall to wickedness!!

Seraphimon can fall and become BlackSeraphimon and Demon.

Ophanimon can fall and become Ophanimon Falldown Mode and Lilithmon.

Cherubimon can fall and become Cherubimon (Vice).

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