Howdy I'm L.C. and I write a webcomic about the trials of "adulting" and bad kitties and I update on Sunday. Also on Instagram, Facebook, Webtoons and the Duck

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Shoutout to creator of the webtoon Pigeon!
My comic is Sunstrike and Bluemist: An Origin Story, a colourful but serious superhero/drama. (Not TOO serious tho 😉)

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Hello L.C., author of Adulting Amy. URL: and I am also on FB, Insta, Webtoons, and The Duck. New comics posted Sundays

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I make my boss villains look scary, with skull faces and angry talking gorillas.
The lower tier villains and bounty hunters I try to give a visual interest, but make them more relatable.
Read at

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My hero Lightning Monk has a lightning brain powering his cyborg body.
At left is his original look. At right is his space & deep sea survival suit.
Read at

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I enjoy having a variety of different types of people to draw, but generally they either look kind of normal, or colourful and fun. I enjoy drawing muscles, but not all my characters or heroes are super buff, although these two are👇#ComicArtistsUnite

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A1. My main character Amy considers it heroic just to get out bed. I also have a side-plot involving a fairy and a witch that represent fall and winter, successively (more traditional hero/villains). And the COVID-19 made an appearance...

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Ms Rocket wears a blue suit with goggles and her trust grey rocket boots

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Hi I'm L.C., author of Adulting Amy, a satirical comic featuring the awkward adventures of a young woman (Amy) and her naughty kitty TJ. URL: Updates on Sundays. Also on FB, Insta, Webtoons and The Duck

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The main heroes in my story are Geedey and Dia. There are several villains, but the current big bad is General Richart.

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