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【告知①】昨日12/25リリースの花鋏キョウさん&獅子神レオナさんデュエット𝙉𝙀𝙒シングル『Dent de lion』共編曲を担当しております!作詞作曲共編曲はkradnessさん!アツくてクールな楽曲になってます!
CD: https://t.co/43SGma8o38
Digital: https://t.co/fFqNea8VCm
デュエットシングル『Dent de lion』
I want to fuck Minami Shimada so God damn bad. I want her to ride me like the nastiest bull at the rodeo. I want to unload gallons of Baby Gravy in her Crock Pot. I want to pin her down in a mating press and rock the bed so hard we dent the fucking wall.
Merry christmas. Bless🙏
【New Single 先行トレーラー公開】
#kaleidscope からNew Singleとなる
#花鋏キョウ× #獅子神レオナ
Duet Single『Dent de lion』
CD&各種グッズは12/25 19:00販売開始!
[part 5] [cw: #vore]
Morning after, and he's on your bed, making a dent after breaking down the combined weight of three. You've left a mark already, and soon, you'll be carried on his hips, forever with your two lovers.
~permanent poly pudge~
(re-upload to correct colors) https://t.co/Cy7xXos71y
@neiltyson It should be called a "Transcend-dent" - https://t.co/ZgvJKxkFqt
@umbrilow Heyy thank for the luck and happy holidays in advance! have my hunter oc Dent
Tier 3 has put a massive dent in what would’ve been a much needed boost to businesses and peoples moral. Finding comfort at home, looking at old photos, listening to music or calling a loved one or friend will help - that’s what I’ll be doing 🥰 I’ll add a few of these
Ngl, the whole vinyl cover issue really put a dent in my mood.
Good to know my Discord always has a way of cheering me up.
【キョウ×レオナ デュエットシングル 情報公開】
#花鋏キョウ × #獅子神レオナ
『Dent de lion』
作詞・作曲:Kradness @kradness55
編曲:かめりあ & Kradness @cametek
ジャケットイラスト:石据カチル @kachiru_i
Mad respect for the 1933 Pulp Hero that became one of the main inspirations for Superman from DC Comics along with Hugo Danner from Philip Wylie's Gladiator The Man Of Bronze himself Doc Savage created by Henry W. Ralston, John L. Nanovic, and Lester Dent
"J'écris depuis ma petite chambre. Il règne un désordre rassurant. Mes livres, mon échiquier, mon encrier et ma brosse à dent sont entassés sur la table".
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in a letter to his mother
@AndrewSimmons3 Hell yeah thank for the luck and gg for the near 1K followers!
have Dent my human/yautja hybrid
i have officially run out of absinthe after i finish this cup, im making a dent on my backlog of work at least so thats fine
streaming until i have to be somewhere
@VictorPCorbella welp here have Dent my hunter and Meribeth the huntress of @InkedRam