Dinky: How long do you want to be a statue for?

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Dinky: Maud, would you like Edith to turn you into stone?

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*They then see the CMC statues. Dinky was finishing up the decorations in the area. Edith the cockatrice is with Dinky.*

Dinky: Oh, hello. ^^

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*Dinky started petting Edith*

Dinky: Thanks, Edith. ^^

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Dinky: Edith, on the week before Nightmare Night, could you turn me into stone until the holiday is over?

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*Some time later, the cave was finished. Dinky bought a magic Orb that could have fog surround the area earlier in the day.*

Dinky: This is going to be so great. Don't you agree, Edith?

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Dinky: Thanks for the help, Silverstream. I highly appreciate it. ^^

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Dinky: Great, and don't worry, I'll take good care of Edith for you, Silverstream.

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Dinky: If Edith wants to, Edith can live here. The cave is almost finished.

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*Edith was nuzzling the CMC statues. Edith loved them too.*

Dinky: I'm glad you both like this place. ^^

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Dinky: Yep, these are the Cutie Mark Crusaders themselves. 2 years ago, they were voluntarily turned to stone by Twilight, now they are a part of the Sanctuary of Harmony as the centerpieces of the Fields of Innocence.

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Dinky: If you want, you can come with me so that you can see the CMC.

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Dinky but Mizutsune, the bubble maker noodle.
I've been playing Monster Hunter Rise...alot.

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Dinky: I'm about to build a cave for Edith. The plan is to have the place be like a cockatrice nest and have it seem like the Crusaders are a part of the nest.

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Dinky: I know, we get so many visitors there. And like I said, I'm mainly the one that takes care of the Cutie Mark Crusaders there. They've been a part of the Sanctuary for 2 years now.

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Dinky: Yep, it sure is. And I'm it's caretaker, mainly for the statues of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

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Dinky: Is Edith with you? I want to have the Fields of Innocence be cockatrice themed.

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Dinky: My name is Dinky Hooves. I'm a caretaker for the Sanctuary of Harmony, or more specifically for the Fields of Innocence. I've come here to ask for help for decorating the place for Nightmare Night.

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*All throughout the day, the caretakers went to shops all over Ponyville to get supplies for the decorations. Dinky went to Silverstream's house to see her and Edith, Silverstream's pet cockatrice.*

Dinky: Hi, Silverstream. ^^

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