Ross's Gull

Conservation Status: Least Concern
Diet: Carnivore
Japanese Name: ヒメクビワカモメ
Scientific Name: Rhodostethia rosea
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 21 years
Romanised Name: Himekubiwakamome
Distribution: North America, Asia

5 12

Magos Biologis Isha. Declared Malatek by the Lathes. Tolerated by the Magi only because of her success in extending the lifespan of organic parts (mainly brains). The current main research direction is the corruption of the human genome (and stabilizing of beneficial mutations).

17 93

i've always wondered what nekopara catgirl lifespans are like compared to humans. Do they just die at 14? or do they just grow fast and then stay like post pubescent for 20 years? why do we never see old catgirls? do they get put down?

15 37

I’m always learning things when I listen...I bet you will too! Check out and join in the space...set your reminder and let’s all belong!

0 1

Long-Tailed Tit

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 2-3 years
Romanised Name: Enaga
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific Name: Aegithalos caudatus
Also known as: long-tailed bushtit
Distribution: Europe, Asia
Diet: Insectivore
Japanese Name: エナガ

8 18

We have been blown away to have received our first bit of FAN ART!

Behold, the 'Limb Crawler' from episode 2 'The Silent Echo' rendered in perfect horrific glory by

If you have fan art you want to share, tag us or use

We'd love to see it!

1 6

kuro mujou kuro mujouing this entire event has added ten years to my lifespan

1 4

Barn Owl

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 4 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: メンフクロウ
Scientific Name: Tyto alba
Romanised Name: Menfukurou
Diet: Carnivore
Distribution: Unknown

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Marvellous Spatuletail

Japanese Name: オナガラケットハチドリ
Scientific Name: Loddigesia mirabilis
Conservation Status: Endangered
Diet: Omnivore
Romanised Name: Onagarakettohachidori
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown

7 18

King Penguin

Diet: Piscivore
Distribution: Unknown
Scientific Name: Aptenodytes patagonicus
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Kingupengin
Japanese Name: キングペンギン
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 26 years

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"Giant salamander" was devised as a Japanese-style head part that gives an impact. The giant salamander has a long lifespan, so it was created in the hope that the NounsDAO will be loved for a long time.

1 10

Roy batty, in a different universe without a 4-year lifespan, getting married. Different prompts.

1 6

Common Cuckoo

Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Romanised Name: Kakkō
Diet: Unknown
Japanese Name: カッコウ
Scientific Name: Cuculus canorus
Distribution: Europe, Asia, Africa

5 11

This is rushed (and late), but I just wanted to make something quick for the splat 2 anniversary. I joined the game a bit late into its lifespan, but it’s still had such a huge impact on my life. I can’t thank Nintendo enough for splatoon 2 :)💚

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Snow Sheep

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 9 years
Also known as: Siberian Bighorn Sheep
Diet: Herbivore
Distribution: Siberia
Romanised Name: Yuki Hitsuji
Japanese Name: ユキヒツジ
Conservation Status: Local Populations Threatened
Scientific Name: Ovis nivicola

15 35

Bat-Eared Fox

Scientific Name: Otocyon megalotis
Distribution: Africa
Diet: Carnivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 13 years
Japanese Name: オオミミギツネ
Romanised Name: Oomimigitsune

14 28


Romanised Name: Kuroten
Scientific Name: Martes zibellina
Japanese Name: クロテン
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 8 years
Distribution: Northeast Asia
Diet: Omnivore

6 17

💗#CMHCWomensRetreat, led by co-chairs and will explore specific considerations for optimizing cardiometabolic health in women across the lifespan
🌴Join us at the picturesque in Southern California:

8 19

White Lion

Distribution: Unknown
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Diet: Carnivore
Japanese Name: ホワイト ライオン
Scientific Name: Panthera leo
Romanised Name: Howaito raion
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 16.8 years

11 29


Who are you when you show up today?
Different from yesterday?
Skin or mask?
Past or future.

Can you be present?

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