Good evening ❤️

A very stylish Hawke today. Look at Fenris how he looks ❤️

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fenris in the snow by the campfire looking at hawke with his puppy eyes? yes

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Gareth Trevelyan and Aran Cousland are insanely bi, Gareth romanced Dorian (and Cullen obvi) and Aran is Alistair's queen. And my purple default Hawke is also bi af with Fenris as his partner

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Thank you so much! 💜

Hey my name is Fenris I'm a enby creator who works with mostly saturated colors
My commissions are open and so is a YCH Commissionin as well
Hope everyone has a great day💜

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So Evelyn looks pretty fierce in all the ones I did of her. And of course I had to do Solas and Fenris too.

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An older piece i think i'll re-draw soon >.> FHawke x Fenris love

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? Sure, why not.
I'm Fenris. My comic is about a dude sent to a fantasy world with a magic talisman to fight succubi. But he's not really like... hero material.

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👀 I'll just slide this art I made some time ago your way..

Fenris 🖤

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I'm sorry for being so slow to finish new arts atm so let's share an oldie Fenhawke I still like !

Some fluff to heal my kinda-artblock ! And let's be honest, we all love to see some Fenris and Hawke around.

You wouldn't be following me if it wasn't the case ! 😌💕

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A little fan art piece with Fenris/Hawke from the time I still felt inspired to draw. Does my art even show on your feed? I've been hearing artists are having it super hard with engagement levels lately.

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A rough sketch I made of Fenris a year ago. Never got past the wip stage 😂 (tried to do something a bit spicy 👀)

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I've not read Blue Wraith yet but I absolutely love Fenris' design in it!

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Good evening 🎶
Поки Фенріс з бандурою малюється в прокріейт, намалювався цей швиденько в фотошопі😘

Подивилася як тут крутани малюють орнаменти, вишиванки і візерунки. І собі захотілось! Звісно ж

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but that's everyday isn't? Time to share I suppose~


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