Been working on my new sona. I liked the previous one, but wanted to make a cuter design. She's an alien traveling through space with a love for gothic lolita attire. What do you think? (funfact: her "hair" is made out of slime)

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Funfact: Grey sleeps is one of these saliva-sucking tube things dentist uses because without it silk clumps/knot might form during his sleep leading him to potentially choking

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Saeran/Ray fanart dark maidenish, cultish black lace vibe really goes well with him in my opinion

Funfact:My irl friend found my reddit because of this

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Funfact: most of my oc's are dating and i'm bad at counting but they're a lot.
here's a fat Gengar cuz i like him a lot. B)

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funfact: Zil existed back in 2015 at Neverwinter, as Tiefling Warlock. Though, his name wasn't Zil before-it was Hissrad x'D

i couldnt continue NW thx to college so when i got my hands on SWTOR, i had to recreate him.(even in ffxiv once)
and hes always a red spiky bastard😆

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재밌는사실: 섀도로즈는 설정상 햇빛을 싫어하고 불에 약하다는 설정을 갖고있습니다.그리고 캐슬베니아에서 영감을 받아 만들어진 캐릭터라죠.

FunFact: Shadowros hates sunlight and weak to fire.And C3 inspired by Castlevania when he made him.

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comm for !

funfact: diego was the whole reason i got into jojo and i don't draw him nearly enough.................gotta fix that one

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Funfact: Corson shirt can be any color, but so he doesn't just wear black ones

Which color do you think he wore best?

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funfact: the reason I started to draw No Eyes again was because in late 2018 I first started playing Don't Starve and how Wendy was drawn in the Halloween art really reminded me of her

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Quick doodle of my dragon raja OC
funfact: I made her to short and now she looks like a three year old

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Number one: Valdemar of
Really enjoyed to draw them and Funfact: they‘re one of my Favourites ❤️

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The boys as Laghuls.
Funfact: Laghuls are bird folks, not fish folks. their name comes from "Lake Gulls", they have webbed feet just like gulls and their ears are wing shaped (tho the initial design hand the ears looking like bat wings instead of bird wings)

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Minun and Plusle from Pokemon

Funfact: my first toy when I was 8 was a Minun plush he was and still is my best friend irl 😄

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Funfact: Apolo heals Kirby when swallowed...

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57. Detective Conan (1996)

Dengar je muzik ni, tahulah ada orang nak kena tangkap. Shinichi kudo ni dkt mana dia ada mesti ada org mati lol. Funfact: sampai skrg masih ada episod baru.

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Funfact: I ran a MLP:FIM fan page for Applejacks dog, Winona back in.2016ish.

The results were fun

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New short story! Free to read~ Her name is Jess and her past is catching up to her!

Read :

funfact: the symbol for sulfur is the cross of lorraine atop the infinity sign

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Aboot bloody tiem mate.
(Funfact: the character in the gif is actually an androgynous character.)

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Tried doing my oc in vampire au!!! Funfact: I have lots of hidden weapons and one of them is the hand fan 😂

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We participated on Low Ink this weekend and placed 35th. Roster:

♾️ Cherry // Slayer
♾️ Flowey // Backline
♾️ Hatchet // Aggro Mid
♾️ Kris // Mid support

Funfact: the quad lobby for league was filled with great teams warming up before the tourney

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