Tilting, Fogo Island, Newfoundland
Day nineteen: packing in the pack ice series


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"Yah ha ha! I found you!"
I tried to draw Hestu with you, Rosie! I really hope you like it!

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Hestu from Love this dancing tree bro.

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Line, tone + colour work today with great tuition and achingly gorgeous still lifes by

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Not sure how this happened but, here it is! what you didn't know you wanted! human girl Hestu!

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Recent work.. Need to decide if it's finished today then varnish

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i drew this at the speed of light but i just wanted to get this idea out there: hestu as a cute kokiri kid

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Suddenly this was finished today after weeks 70 x 70 cms

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Altered State How I feel after doing computer work all day!

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At times it's nice to play w/ materials which are around w/ no real aim

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Giving away 2 invites this week! Email links to scott(at)thestudiotemporary(dot)com by 5pm ESt Friday!

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