D&D3.5版ベースのシングルRPG Pathfinder: Kingmaker のキックスターターが開始されたようです。バルダーズゲートを彷彿とさせます。

13 10

Kingmaker: All Glory Ends in Night ch1 is up!

64 110

"I'm back"
"Welcome back"
"Ah- aren't you going to let me undress first?"
"No. Don't move."

40 88

Kingmaker. "We match now!"

Hat style?? //// I haven't designed his circlet yet actually nijdskjnsdkjn ///

32 74

Kingmaker Mikleo hair guide, since I was making one anyway. I tried it tonight and it's very secure!

34 79

Kingmaker, morning sketch! 145k words and counting ////

18 58