Oof, hitting her with the cold harsh truth

0 9

Oh, I just realized… she might be actually believing that

0 9

I hate Kinnara's guts but she's not wrong that this is exactly what the gods are doing

0 7

Webtoons that feature a mother and child having crazy beef:
-Lalin’s curse
-Four leaf
-Evelyn and the occult

2 10

Fuck yeah Kubera❤, what a save!! Can't believe that it was the same freaking spear, she should've never been given something like that in the first place

0 7

You should've seen how easily she killed Airavata, my boy. Also, I will not insult Enan by believing for a second that he will accept something like that

0 7

Back off little guy, you're not someone who can look down upon Manasvin😡😡

0 7

Ughhhh, after returning to the present timeline, I need someone to teach both Ravana and Asura a lesson

0 7

Ananta would not do something like that, you slippery… Also, he wasn't the one who caused that horrible incident

0 7

Ofc the "fiend" in the fiendish magic stands for Asura

0 7

Get rekt Ravana but god fucking dammit, it was Asura's clan😒

0 9

Vasuki gives me life🥰🥰 Also, what other clan is there? I hope it's not Asura's clan

1 9

Enan must be just that good

0 8

Sanvega Ananta?!!👀 Oh boy, things are about to get messy

0 8

Well Maruna, the name Airavata is not something that piece of garbage Kinnara deserves to have

0 8

Yeah, that is a big difference. Ofc her resentment would be far greater than his

0 8

Well since Kinnara talked about how that woman used Sanyoga Kinnara in the most efficient way, I'm with Maruna here. She must've killed them the moment they were of no use to her

0 8

She knew this is how she would respond😡 Enan if you care for that woman, you gotta hurry up my boy

0 8

I wonder if this is what will happen to Asha but more importantly I wholeheartedly hope a fate like this will never befall Leez

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