🐞 You can take the bug out of the lady but you can't take the lady out of the ladybug 🐞

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🐞 The ladybug has to be the most feminist of insects. Even the male bugs are called ladybugs! 🐞

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🐞 Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, but love like a ladybug and live gracefully! 🐞

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🐞 When you encounter the ladybug spirit animal at any point, you can be sure that positive transformations are on the way 🐞

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🐞 Ladybugs all dressed in red, strolling through the flower bed. If I were tiny just like you, I'd creep among the flowers too! 🐞

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🐞 Ladybug ladybug, in a hollow tree. Through the winter, under the leaves you will be 🐞

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🐞 Whoever said that life was fair, most certainly had ladybugs happen their way! 🐞

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🐞 With a butterfly kiss and a ladybug hug, sleep tight little one like a bug in a rug. 🐞

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🐞 Little ladybug on my arm, you wear a heart as part of your charm. You joined me on this sunny day, just for a moment, then you flew away 🐞

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🐞 Under the new decree by The Lady Bug, dalmatians will henceforth be called ladybug dogs! 🐞

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