respectable opinion

have a smol lapras

19 763


257 1772

🌊Post your png and a team of three pokemon that match your color palette... sounds fun! :D 🌊

Empoleon was the basis for my color scheme (and entire character in general lmao) so he had to be here 🤣 Lanturn and Lapras were nice to see tho :D

0 5

This is my new Lapras oc Pearl (creative I know.) just having a relaxing day at the beach after asking a lovely gentlemen for help applying moisturizer and him seemingly unable to take his hands off her butt. Give Pearl a warm welcome everybody 💙

23 102

Togepi and Togetic can often be found playing on beaches with small children. Their gentle, kind nature carries on when they evolve into Togefloat who love to race alongside boats on the open sea. You can often find mixed into schools of Lapras. Fakemon art by !

8 46

Riding on Lapras~ 🌕🌊

53 128

Might as well pos this before is over :0
Is me turning into a fat lapras.
That is all X3 enjoy the squish

27 117

Oct 28, 2014. By: Delphox53
[6 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"Lapras. Probably my favorite lesson. "

0 0

Oct 26, 2014. By: ChibiAlex1993
[7 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)

0 1


I love Raichu!

It also evolves from a certain yellow mouse I ALSO love but can't mention since it's a starter Pokémon in Gen 1.

Dragonite, Vaporeon, Lapras, and Mew are some really cute Pokémon, too.

And gameplay-wise, Omastar and Raticate are very fun to use in Gen 1!

0 3

Head canon: Lapras can use Avalugg to get along on land. This idea is now in the mind of at least one content creator.

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You are a person of class who appreciates Lapras like none other

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Mine was a Lapra the Lapras. (Yea I know. Very creative nickname)

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I have a fondness for Tauros, even though I never used one.
I had a in Let's Go Eevee, and I have a couple in Pokemon Go. The shiny one is named Druk.
I've never used a but I'd like to. The first one I caught in Pokemon Go is Named Nessie.

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畫了一張山田的聖誕賀圖,希望您喜歡 : )

0 1

Lapras is just sooo cute to me. 😊

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