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Blue: The Jedi are Selfless
Red: You see through the lies of the Jedi

Jokes aside, I love episode 3 a ton!

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May the 4th be with you! 😘

Happy star wars' day !!!

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Happy Star Wars Day! 😄 I'm actually a HUGE Star Wars fan and have been since I was a lil girl. I even had a crush on Luke Skywalker 😂
Are you a Star Wars fan too? What's your favourite movie? Mine, hands down, is Return of the Jedi!

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Positivity is Yoda!!!
“In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.” Yoda

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Happy Here are a few BMS classics to help you celebrate!

Love and Forciness,
Leanne and Rod


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with my collection of the most handsome jedi in the universe

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May the 4th be with you. Here's some OcTOHOtober that's Star Wars related I did over the past 3 years!

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