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They were Gab, who were familiar to them, and the new angel friend Michelle.

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маинькие агент П-3 и Дмитрий Сергеевич 🌟

8 164

Well, no one forbade love to women)

2 8

michelangelo wishes he could make this

11 24

N: Yes, he's a good person...

Да ебучие пироги Серёжа!

8 100

Michelle Jing Chan's illustrations capture the magic in everyday moments and create immersive, inclusive worlds where underrepresented populations can see themselves reflected. ⁠


1 1

More of right ballerina bot form atomic heart!    

56 483

"Do you think you could fool me with that smile? ...No one will ever be as much of a fool as you are. I admit. You're the only woman worthy of the king's affection."

- Chevalier Michel, Ikemen Prince

5 24

Sketch colorido 🫀

👉👈 eu mereço ganhar coração (anatomicamente correto, obviamente) hoje ?

60 617

For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibilities. This is proof that dreams do come true... And Ladies, Don't let anyone ever tell you you're past your prime.YES Michelle Yeoh!!! https://t.co/eYyWqj8oCG

1 1

Gure protagonista, Louise Michel, emakumeekiko emantzipazioarekiko ekimenak burutu zituen
bitartean, komunaren defendatzarako borrokan aktiboki parte hartuzuen. Guztiok dakigunez Pariseko komuna erori zen. Honaino anarkofeminismoaren hastapena. Bilakaera agian hurrengo egunetan..

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Congratulations at Michelle Yeoh 🎬🎩

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