Series 1, Card 6 !

3 x WOJAKDANIELS to win !!
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Results in 2 days !



31 39

The theme for the first ever CRUNCHTIME is... "Two Worlds"! 2 hours have already passed, 46 more to go. Good luck, have fun, and go wild! XD

Picture theme by Niels PRAYER.

3 10

« Azathoth, le sultan des démons, s’empiffre voracement dans le chaos, au son des flûtes et des tambours, tandis que les Autres Dieux, aveugles, muets, ténébreux et stupides, dansent leur sarabande infernale...»
La Quête onirique de Kadath l'inconnue, 1926

ill. de Ian Daniels

5 31

My latest wrestling fan art ft. The American Dragon, ! I'm pretty hyped for he and Moxley's match this Sunday at "Revolution"!

9 53

Art by Kay Nielsen ftom "East of the Sun and West of the Moon".

10 38

RP is grade meine größte Inspiration. Mia Daniels aka

0 36

terese nielsen (yeah I know but I would be a liar if I didnt include her)

0 4

The Art Of Sam Nielson, part of this week selection on IAMAG Master Classes : https://t.co/jMs6JA0fV9

6 65

What if... a C8 would be rebodied into a one-off unique piece of kinetic sculpture. How could this Dutch sports car be reinterpreted? Maybe like this!


2 26

二人展用作品出来ました🍾 見に来てね〜😊🙏💕💕



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