【Villainous】BlackHat and Dr.Flug

I expect the design to be done, I hope my idea is ok.😣😣😣

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【Snake and Villainous】p5

Finally, I chose to do things for him.

It is his unique charm that attracts me.

最後,我選擇為他做事。 是他獨特的魅力吸引了我。

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【Snake and Villainous】p4

“I will give you two choices.”

“Either you work for me, or become a part of me.”



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【Snake and Villainous】p3

Hognose snake-Dr.Flug, with his special skills [Play dead], want to escape.

Obviously, he failed.

hognose snake-Dr.Flug,用他的特殊技能【裝死】,想逃過一劫。


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【Snake and Villainous】p2

A delicious white snake is in front of you, how can you let it go? How can the white snake being rushed out of Black Hat?

美味的白蛇就在眼前,怎能放過?而被逼急的白蛇,要怎麼脫離Black Hat?

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【Snake and Villainous】p1

Ophiophagus hannah in a black hat was on the road and heard the sound.


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Cover I did for a fanfiction on Wattpad. 10/10 would recommend.👌❤

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Qué onda raza 😎

Pues sí, las dibujé de nuevo, meperd0 nan¿

Las hice para una portada de un nuevo fic jaja.

8 55

He terminado un dibujo de Flug con carita de asustado♡

También aprovecho para decirles que he estado pensando en hacer fanfics en mi Wattpad morido de varios shipps que amoh♡
Asi que si les interesa pueden buscarme como
Ahora mismo estoy haciendo un fanfic PaperHat♡

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