Sarah Aruana. Have fun!

Oh, and those two were made by and respectively. I need to credit the artists. They do an amazing job

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Hi c: I'm Ruana, self-taught artist and mom of many OCs. Here are some of my babies. If you have questions about them, feel free to ask and leave them some love ~♡

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Hi thanks for this thread! I'm Ruana, self-taught artist and mom of many OCs. Here are some of my beloved babies. Leave them some love ♡

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Chicos, me caga que 4 personas anden usando el netflix, cel, etc de día... asi que a partir de la media noche hasta las 10 am sera mi rango de directos en twitch (hora peruana). Me gustaría hacerlos mas temprano pero el internet y ruido no me dan a más.

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Hi c: I'm Ruana, self-taught artist and mom of many OCs. Unfortunately I only draw a few of them. Mostly the OCs I'm playing in Campaigns. Esmee my smol little sunshine, Elliott the dancer and Yaki who forgot her whole past ^^ (first 2 are still wip)

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Historieta inspirada en como estamos viviendo, algunos artistas (y otras personas) está cuarentena jaja 💕

A todos mis compatriotas (soy peruana uwu) les pido que se cuiden mucho!

No se busca ofender a nadie con esta publicación ✨

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Hi 👋 I'm Ruana, self-taught artist and mom of many OCs. Whenever I've time, I draw, write DnD session recaps so feel free to take a look on my stuff 🤗

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Hey there I'm Ruana, self-taught artist and mom of many OCs. For pre-drawings i prefer traditional, but for colouring digital. I'm always afraid of destroying my work by coloration 😅

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Happy birthday Lauren!
I'm Ruana, selt-taught artist and mom of many OCs! Positive stuff this week: I tried something new, more realistic, and it turned out pretty good so I'm really proud of this art piece 😄 what do you think about the first one?

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Aruana-sick-7 render by Diablo7707

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Hey there and thanks for this art share 🤗 I'm Ruana, self-taught artist and mom of many OCs. I like drawing situations that happened during our DnD sessions and writing every two weeks session recaps.
An artist who deserve more love is he's wonderful and talented

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Aunque se parece mas a perita la rita peruana (hecha por )

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Congrats! And thanks for this art share ♡

I'm Ruana, self-taught artist and mom of many OCs. Mostly drawing them, and I'm writing session recaps every two weeks.

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Hello! Thanks for this art share :3 I'm Ruana, self-taught artist and mom of many OCs ☆

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Hi there and thanks for this thread. I'm Ruana, self-taught artist, and I really love to draw my OCs (both traditional and digital) ^^ second one is still a wip

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Thanks for this Thread and happy valentine's day!

I'm Ruana, self taught artist, and I really love to draw my (DnD) OCs^^ my goal for this year is to get better and be less self-critical

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Hey everyone!
My name is Ruana, self taught artist, and I really love it to draw my (DnD) OCs. This year's goal is so get better and less self-critical ^^"

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Alaben a las llamitas peruanas!! Perdón por morir pero el que se murió fue mi cable pero ya renació, vuelvo al digital, mis hijas llamas están felices de presentarse! ✨🇵🇪❤️🐾🍕🦊☕👍🎶

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Buen día a todos. Mi temática es variada, desde lo relacionado a la mitología peruana, algunos fanart y el infaltable ecchi. Aquí les presento algunos de mis trabajos

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Hi thanks for the art shar ^^ I'm Ruana, mostly drawing my OCs, Situations that happened in our current campaign and every 2 weeks I do a session recap ☆

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