Been too long since I've posted any or Here's a sampling of critters from sketches and sketch-notes that never made the cut.

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With so many issues needing your attention, how do you stay motivated to teach?


316 625

12 Strategies to help children learn & love maths from book. Use our sketchnote to check your planning👍🏻

16 24

Je vous partage un document que j'utilise pour détailler les éléments qui composent une sketchnote.

68 156

I spend 6 hours for this work!... I have never draw in this style, but I try so much! ><
Please please please!!! if you like this work! ^^

9 37

This week on Twitter, we're focusing on the process inspired by organisms and ecosystems! ⚙️🌿

🖌️#Sketchnote by 🙌

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Cette semaine, à l’occasion de la autour du retour au vivant, on vous réserve un focus sur le ce processus d’innovation qui s’inspire des organismes et écosystèmes ! ⚙️🌿

🖌️#Sketchnote par 🙌

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Hoy por la tarde he podido disfrutar del Taller “ENSEÑAR CONTANDO HISTORIAS” de Diego Marqueta.
SketchNote de las ideas principales
1.- Define el “Para qué”
2.- Entrega el máximo valor.
3.- Simplifica.
¡BUSCA la MAGIA de tu historia!

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Which colour scheme do you prefer? A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H? I’ve been using A on recent posts which I personally find quite effective, but would be nice to get some other opinions

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