I finished the Keys to the Kingdom series today so here's some fifteen minute fanart for

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guess I'll post this super early since I just finished it. finally, proper ref of goon

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sleepily dropped some colors and a lil bit o shade on 's octo-elvis.

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Desmond's request today

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some composition master studies from the opening of Fox and the Hound. Art muscle burn ouch.

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jersey devil pretending to be a homeless guy wanderin the pine barrens. Hides his bat wings under the coat

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modern day myth PECOS BILL. yolo for the selfie.

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One of my favorite characters from The Sandman, Lady Delirium

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Where there's a Will, there's a whey.

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Still trying to paint on my phone, this time with my fingers

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Dunno why this cute kitty is so happy, but she's feelin her groove!

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