I'm alive if anyone is interested🥲

113 878

Comforting boyfriend 🥹

464 2518

Here’s my preview for the ! Gosh it’s such an honor contributing in this with so many talented artists! Can’t wait for you to see it! 💚💙

5 33

Here’s a lil preview of my piece for the

So happy to have this as my first zine to contribute too!

46 383

preview of my piece for the !! it’s so exciting to work alongside so many amazing artists ❤️

17 159

I am excited to collaborate for 💙💚 here's a little preview of my piece

29 236

them in splatoon 🥺🙌🙌🙌

42 256

you hurt me more than she hurt you

16 165

A tiny preview of one of my illustrations for C:

There are many great artists and fickers in zine, you’ll love all!!,

7 58

I was testing color pallets

16 188

I feel so happy and lucky to be a contributor to , can't wait to see the full zine in October 🥹 😭😭 Here's a lil preview of my piece - two mimir zzz

24 200