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Selamat pagi dan semangat senin kak

Minal aidin wal faidzin
Permisi kak sy titip jasa desain, hari ini moga2 banyak yg order art, fee seikhlasnya tuk survive di masa sulit ini. Smg kita smw sehat & sukses selalu, amiin
DM/WA 0812 9042 1115

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It's been really hard to get her out of my head in recent days, especially with things worsening as time moves on.

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spy!art by @.chocoe_ spy!fanfic loid x yor

malam senin ada yg mau baca angst? 😇❤️‍🩹

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Scared to be Black, Indigenous, female in America. What has happened to us? I’m horrified at the worsening levels of violence against minorities in our country. We must change the dialogue.

Oil pastels on paper. Scared To Be Black series, 2019.

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have a good rest sebelum mulai berjuang lagi besok Senin hehehe

trus, gimana kalau saya subathon T_T?

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My first afternoon painting in the studio for a while. I am loosening up with some large acrylic ink on watercolour sheets 57x77cm. This one’s called “90% cloud cover”

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Glisening & golden brown
Cooked perfectly 🤌

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Reonites! Berikut adalah pengumuman periode 121!
Tema: Sekolah
Deadline: Senin, 23 Mei 2022 pukul 10.00 WIB

Baca pengumuman lengkapnya di:

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JADWAL tapi tidak ada gambar~!
⚠️Senin 9 Mei, 22.00WIB- WarNime bareng Gema & Risotto (@ Muse Id)

⚠️Selasa 10 Mei, 21.00WIB- Minecraft bareng Pirrou Sophie (@ Pirrou)

⚠️Rabu 11 Mei, 20.00WIB- kenalan ulang sama Fre!

⚠️Kamis 12 Mei, 20.00WIB- live drawing Yor Forger (@ Muse Id)

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udah hampir hari senin moodboard

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Pemenang utama periode ke-119 kategori tradisional dengan tema "Ramadan”, oleh yui_chan387.

Yuk, ikutan untuk memenangkan total hadiah 2 juta rupiah! Cek pengumumannya tiap hari Senin per dua minggu di instagram & facebook re:ON!

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For my conceptual story/comic (it is no longer 'bitesized at all) I redesigned Clumby overtime to look more like her intended reference to increase the sussenings. Depicted with my interpretation of the journalist; Krampus Buckrider.

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If we're going for loosening of transmog stuff in Dragonflight

All I'm saying is, my Kul Tiran Shaman would love being able to use the cloth set from BfA leveling

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