En la 4ª Generación (HGSS), Silver está representado por dos colores de ojos distintos.

Mientras que en el arte oficial de la 4ª Generación son grises, en los juegos de HeartGold y Soulsilver son rojos, como se ve en la animación de presentación. ✨

10 47

4 games that define me(me).

Was hard to narrow down (LoZ Wind Waker and Pokemon Soulsilver were close runner ups)

Any of my peeps wanna get in on this go for it. https://t.co/5FNMQkh7ot

0 2

Do you remember the Wi-Fi Plaza of Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver? Do you miss the mini-games?

166 1255

El día 26 de marzo de 2010 salió a la venta en Europa Pokémon Oro HeartGold y Plata SoulSilver.

➡️ Hoy se cumple el aniversario de su salida.
➡️ Estos juegos venían con el Pokéwalker, un aparato donde va tu Pokémon para andar y ganar experiencia y objetos.

85 297

Lost Pokemon of the Day: Spiky-eared Pichu

While not technically a "Lost Pokemon" in the traditional sense, Spiky-eared Pichu was exclusive to HeartGold & SoulSilver, and couldn't be traded into future generations... Meaning she's stuck in Gen 4 *forever.*

(Thread below) (1/4)

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In Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, Jasmine says "I don't know how I should say this, but good luck" after meeting her in Sunnyshore City. She says a very similar quote in HeartGold and SoulSilver after defeating her in a Gym Battle.

93 731

Typhlosion really climbed up on my favorite starter list! It's pure, explosive power and I LOVE explosive power!

Little funfact, I thought it was a kind of dinosaur until HeartGold and SoulSilver.

1 9

Non mi sarei mai aspettato la festa riservatami appena tornato a casa a Borgo Foglianova, dopo aver battuto la Lega Pokémon! ✨😭🎉 Riesci a trovare tutti i pokémon presenti? :)

1 3

Me tomo mas tiempo sentarme a terminar esta ilustración que el tiempo que le invertí a colorear.

En fin, aquí esta mi lider de gimnasio favorita de Pokémon: Jasmine acompañada de Ampharos!

2 4

lil doodle i did last night to celebrate heartgold and soulsilver 10th anniversary eep one of my all time favorite games ever made im love it so much,,, and please dont call out how awful the pokemon look i cant draw pokemon lol is just doodle no attack me pls

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Happy 10th anniversary to hearthgold/soulsilver one of my favs ♥️ (music is new bark town) 🎧#vgm

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Today is Pokemon HeartGold/Soulsilver's 10th anniversary! HeartGold is my favorite Pokemon game ever and I have so many good memories with it. So today I drew my Togekiss!

1 7

El día 14 de marzo de 2010 salió a la venta en América Pokémon Oro HeartGold y Plata SoulSilver.

➡️ Hoy se cumple el aniversario de su salida.
➡️ En el Pokéathlon puedes jugar varias pruebas atléticas con tus Pokémon como salto de vallas, boxeo o carreras.

94 465

This is certainly one of the best game ever and I got so much good memory from that.😊
My channel was also created at that time.

Happy Birthday, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.♥️ https://t.co/9IkYqN2Yjf

5 56

I did an art! It’s been a long time! This is Thistle the Bayleef. I actually think Monferno is my favorite middle form starter but I’m playing through SoulSilver right now and have a Bayleef whom I love. I want to do but I dunno how much I’ll do.

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Except for HeartGold/SoulSilver..I'll never understand why they didn't just use Crystal..

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Miltank is my MVP in SoulSilver!

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