El resto del conjunto lo componen estas obras dedicadas a San Pedro y San Pablo

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The Descent into Hell - Tintoretto, 1568

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Here is Tintoretto's painting 'Saint George and the Dragon', painted around 1555 http://t.co/j5fYNmRr84

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This small and very Tintoretto-ish Elsheimer at the NG (though they say influenced by Veronese)

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'Autumn Gold' wax painting on wooden Tintoretto panel. for sale with Affordable British Art.

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Sicuramente dal vivo un'immagine straordinaria emozionante,grandiosa spettacolare

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I maestri di Iacopo Bassano fuono i grandi del 500, da a e

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Christ washing the Feet of the Disciples, by Jacopo Tintoretto, about 1575-80, large: http://t.co/pv6EnnLZ

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Christ washing the Feet of the Disciples, by Jacopo Tintoretto, about 1575-80, large: http://t.co/pv6EnnLZ

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Christ washing the Feet of the Disciples, by Jacopo Tintoretto, about 1575-80, large: http://t.co/pv6EnnLZ

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Christ washing the Feet of the Disciples, by Jacopo Tintoretto, about 1575-80, large: http://t.co/pv6EnnLZ

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Christ washing the Feet of the Disciples, by Jacopo Tintoretto, about 1575-80, large: http://t.co/pv6EnnLZ

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