"Without Iris, Barry Allen would have been lost to the Speed Force long ago"

47 61

At the end of the day....'What other girls?' ;) forehead kiss bc cuteness and height difference. ❤

47 55

Hope likes this art drawn for me by the talented ☺️

85 101

Barry and Iris from The Flash

33 59

One of my fav scenes S1+one of my fav quotes from the comics⚡️

63 65

Why aren't they married already? 😂

37 39

>.< Barry hated seeing Iris with Eddie... and now he never will again o.O

11 14

A cute DC/Marvel mashup! Iris West using Mary Jane's iconic line tee hee

20 19

Barry Allen and Iris West as Ariel and Eric from 'The Little Mermaid'.

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Barry Allen and Iris West as Pocahontas and John Smith from 'Pocahontas'.

34 38

Barry Allen and Iris West as Jasmine and Aladdin from 'Aladdin'.

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Barry and Iris as teenagers! (credit: viherviveli)

13 26

. Iris West and Barry Allen by derianl!

29 34

The Westallen wedding of our (and Barry's) dreams by

22 30