Did a Ref Sketch of Yakko Warner, i'm thinking of sketching a full body of Yakko or doing another headshot of Max or Oswald.

4 8




詞・曲:gyaKKo 様

mix:石川富章 様(SOUND ARTS)

ジャケットイラスト:百一 様


6 20

Fun little sequence for Byakko110 on FA of him into his lion self

40 229

What better sweet for 'Tabi-no-hi' than Mikuraya's (御倉屋 ) 'tabiyakko' (旅奴). The name means 'to accompany on a trip', referring to the long line of attendants that would accompany daimyō to and from Edo.


5 27


・日程:6/19または6/25 10時~18時(途中お昼休憩1時間)

 確定:@ 7trillionTRPG、@ musashi_yakko、@ 2_tanuki_2

27 15

I dont know if a byakko can be killed tho lol

0 2

Meet Kula Plz reply

the only one who is just as zany as the warners

they think of her as family (except more then that with yakko)

1 8

Byakko_Kitora.exe has stopped working... =v=

3 16

Hi! I'm Capitaine Byakko, a french artist doing plenty of stuff, from buff guys to drag queen, from Slice of Life comics to fanarts! Here's a sample of my work, I hope you'll like :D

Here's some artist friends:

1 4

I was feeling down and I decided to draw Yakko, Wakko and Dot on Paint. I hope you like it!

5 22


Yakko-chan’s name means she is skilled with medicine, and she believes when you’re healthy, you’re at your happiest. Birthdays, like hers today, certainly help you be happy! 😀

7 17

painted cms for a friend !1111 byakkooooooo

3 17

Come here Yax nation, I'm back and with food ✨

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