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Today is World Radio Day!
Get your AlphaBetty groove into some music today! 🎶
#alphabettydoodles #worldradioday
OMG look yall 🥳 @alphabettyNFT
#nftstuff #nftcommunity #alphabettynft #nfts #jgraydigital
Today is Darwin Day.
A day to celebrate the life of famous biologist Charles Darwin.
Why not visit a museum today?
#alphabettydoodles #DarwinDay
Today is National Peppermint Patty Day!
Why not try making some today?
#alphabettydoodles #nationalpeppermintpattyday #peppermintpattyday
Today is National Umbrella Day!
What do you like to do on rainy days?
#alphabettydoodles #nationalumbrelladay☂️
@alphabettybooks Hmmmm Pizza! My crown Betty approves! #AlphaBettyDoodles #NationalPizzaDay
Today is National Kite Flying Day!
Why don't you try making a stained glass kite decoration using black card and tissue paper?
#alphabettydoodles #nationalkiteflyingday
Today is National Send a Card to a Friend Day!
Show someone special you care today! ❤🧡💛
#alphabettydoodles #nationalsendacardtoafriendday
Today is National Frozen Yoghurt Day!
Start your day healthy!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalfrozenyogurtday
Today is World Nutella Day!
Toast, pancakes or waffles .. How do you like to eat yours?!
#alphabettydoodles #worldnutelladay #nutelladay #nutella @NutellaUSA #spreadthenutellalove
I won an AlphaBetty Doodle!
I really resonate with this one too. This is exactly how I look at a cheeseburger when I'm trying to eat healthy.
If you guys don't know about @alphabettyNFT, check them out. Great project that's helping children and teachers :)
Today is National Sweater Day!
This day was created as a reminder about the importance of conserving energy and thinking about the environment. 🌍
#alphabettydoodles #nationalsweaterday
Today is National Carrot Cake Day!
Another yummy cake to try today! Where's our carrot Betties at? 🥕
#alphabettydoodles #NationalCarrotCakeDay
Today is National Hedgehog Day!
Why not try crafting a hedgehog using just a pinecone, playdough and googly eyes!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalhedgehogday
Today is National Baked Alaska Day!
Made with sponge cake, ice cream and meringue - enjoy one today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalbakedalaskaday
Happy Chinese New Year!
Year of the Tiger! 🐯
#alphabettydoodles #chinesenewyear #YearOfTheTiger
Today is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day! ❤🧡💛
Why not visit a gallery, theatre, cinema, or music venue and inspire yourself through the arts!
#alphabettydoodles #inspireyourheartwithartday
Today is National Croissant Day!
Where's all our Betty croissant holders at?! Show them below .. 🥐
#alphabettydoodles #nationalcroissantday