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Bombs are targetting #Democrats
#bombs #PipeBombs #bombthreat @CNN @cnnbrk
They don't care that kids are dying every week in school shootings.
They don't care that migrant kids are in concentration camps, separated from their families and adopted out to new ones.
They don't care that trans kids are human kids.
Vote Democrats, and >pic related.
Not seeing many signs of tolerance lately. #Mobs #MobRuleDemocrats @POTUS @DonaldJTrumpJr @seanhannity @IngrahamAngle @michellemalkin
Don't miss my toon on the grossness of Democrats during the #KavanaughConfirmation: https://t.co/O7dOYuTx2a
The GOP should be worried about more than just whether to embrace Trump in the Mid-Terms. They need to worry about the wave of women candidates and voters in the era of #MeToo. #Trump #Kavanaugh #Democrats #women #Midterms2018 https://t.co/yZcVLiOKik
Oh, the hypocrisy. #JuanitaBroaddrick says #Democrats were OK with putting a rapist in the White House. @RealJamesWoods @DonaldJTrumpJr @seanhannity @rushlimbaugh @IngrahamAngle @atensnut @POTUS
Joe Donnelly is in a precarious race this time around...my #cartoon & #blog :
#Indiana #politics #news #art #illustration #caricature #GOP #Democrats
Don't miss my toon on the Democrats and the Kavanaugh confirmation: https://t.co/vPpqFGYzjT
Don't miss my toon on Democrats weaponizing #MeToo with Kavanaugh: https://t.co/5ejj7GNCZf
Seems #Democrats will always put their party first. @RealJamesWoods @rushlimbaugh @POTUS @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump
@KWSnet RT
Signe Wilkinson @SigneWilk
Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Cartoonist: https://t.co/WfripHQUNV
"Take me to the polls, Bernie...or Nancy... or..."
🔸 'To Victory!,' 10 Aug 2018. Signe Wilkinson, The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Don't miss my toon on #AbolishICE and the Democrats: https://t.co/aIcsyVZXHY
Democrats Destroy ICE And Abolish the USA--Just Like They Always Planned
All the terrorists, foreign criminals and fake refugees the democrats invited in robbed...
Don't miss my toon on Democrats and the Supreme Court: https://t.co/qHESfUClGH
Unlimited Liability: Californians Will Owe Trillions
Wait until Mexico gives "citizenship" to 100 million Chinese. Then they can come here as #foreigncriminals (#undocumenteddemocrats)
Mex prez candidate says flood US
#Trump defiant about #familyseparation policy and tries to blame #Democrats & Congress while using #children as leverage for #border #wall.
My @NZStuff @DomPost #cartoon #USpol #USA #Mexico #migrants #humanrights #POTUS
Which Law Would You Choose To Break?
Clearly #foreigncriminals get to choose which laws they will follow and which they will break....but you don't
20 years late... #MeToo #BillClinton #Democrats #MonicaLewinsky @TheBuffaloNews https://t.co/IUt0FcWa82
California Dead Last in Quality of Life
California the worst