He just seems different! ofc there was a bit of that in the Dark World as well, but now especially there seems to be more of the old Ryo showing than not... #GXwatch
:(... Judai's reaction though.... he def obviously would not want to see him die again, and for real for good this time. But he's also matured enough to know that there's really no helping these things if someone is dead-set on their way... #GXwatch
Because, these responses lead me to believe that Judai knew Ryo had showed up and was being treated on the island... I really wish we had gotten to see the main+characters related to Ryo reacting to finding out he was alive. fic/art bait for sure, but, still! #GXwatch
This episode and all the Sho+Ryo moments are reaaally good but this illustrates one of my issues with it and GX's biggest flaw imo--the way things that are REALLY IMPORTANT constantly happen off screen #GXwatch