Meet my baby, Sapphire! I've got more references if needed, but generally the look she'd go for is comfort and sporty. Attaching some images that give the same vibe.

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"I've lost enough to become stronger than any man who has stepped on this planet"
Ritsu Kiken!
Known to be one of the greatest assasins to hire!
She excels in quick solutions and stealthy take downs. She might not look much for her size but she bites none the less !

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compact cat-boy removal services for hire!!!

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savia and railen at idyllshire!

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Witch-for-hire? Witch-for-hire!

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(3 images)
my characters, emerald ruby and sapphire! their handwriting is used as the writing in the pictures

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Ty so much vien for the beautiful commission my oc Sapphire! Please go commission them!

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hi I’m sapphire! would love to make more art moots here! here’s some of my recent work:

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Handmade gifts, created for you in the ❤️ of Yorkshire!

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Okay... Time to get to writing that script for Forrest & Scout - Monsters Hunters for Hire!

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Hey, I'm Jess! & I'm a freelance cartoonist / comic artist / illustrator! I specialize in drawing monsters, freaks and weirdos! you can find me pretty much anywhere under Candy2021 or Kandy2021 & I'm open for hire!

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I'm a comic book writer and journalist! Published work: Like Father, Like Daughter and They Call Her...The Dancer.

Bylines: , , ,

Looking for more work for hire!


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Hi !
I'm a young Moroccan artist still in school, I'm not sure where I'll go with this "hobby" but I'm technically a professional up for hire!

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Hello ! I'm a female 2D artist ready for hire! I'm looking for both commissions and freelance work!

Feel free to contact me at izagarart {at}gmail{dot}com if interested in my art services.

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Hi I’m Dalma, a UK based freelance illustrator available for hire! I’m interested in folklore, spooky subjects, portraits and film related work.


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Hello !

I'm Yuan, and I create illustrations in a variety of styles and mediums. I'm available for commission work and for remote hire!


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Had an ABSOLUTE BLAST making this chibi!!!

thank you for the hire!

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Hataraku Saibou Black recently just aired with a new special PV posted revealing the Blu-ray/DVD vol. 1 illustration along with the OP CD single "Hashire! with Seiya Yamasaki" and OST.




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