Trump is obsessed with the "caravan" of refugees from Central America heading toward the U.S./Mexico border, calling the migrants "criminals and unknown Middle Easterners" among other things.

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Tomorrow's col
Patrons can see the making-of video at

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Ahahaha Fiance Immigration is expensive and we have spent $10k on this process AND have a wedding to plan for the fall,

You should commission me! Ya know you wanna ;D



Rts appreciated, love you ❤

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Pourquoi veut construire un mur entre les et le ? C'est la discussion de nos petits citoyens dans la discute'minute de la semaine, pour éclairer les de 7 à 11 ans sur le sujet :

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Jim Morin
Jim Morin:

MorinToon prescience...

🔸 'Harboring Huddled Masses, Lady. Come With Us!!!,' 31 Aug 2017. Jim Morin, Miami Herald.

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[Pls RT💖]
here’s my preview for "gakuen babysitters - let's play!" ( ), a zine about the kids playing! 🍓
all the proceeds will be donated to KIND, an organisation providing children legal protection in immigration courts, and works to protect children's rights!

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FISSURE rides into the sunset AUG 1 . I retitled the issue INSEPARABLE in direct defiance of our southern border immigration practices-- but our tale, originally crafted in 2015, was always a voice of opposition to the idea of a wall & ripping families apart.

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What gets occupied. Hope the voting booths are occupied in November.

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Nate Beeler
Editorial cartoonist for The Columbus Dispatch:

🔸 'Caged on Immigration,' 8 Jul 2018. Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch.

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Jim Morin
Jim Morin:

🔸 'Happy Independence Day!,' 3 Jul 2018. Jim Morin, MorinToons.

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Trump Administration increases ICE raids dramatically, rounding up more than a few 'bad hombres'.

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Ancestry & Immigration Series: The Rhode Island State House -one immigrant ancestor who walked the esteemed halls of the State House was Johanna Cashman Ivers from Cork, Ireland. In 1915 she held the position of “janitress” I trust that she served her constituents well.

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📺 will be tonight at 7:10pm at to present cartoons about the immigration policy, the the presidential elections in and the

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Artists & Illustrators Respond To Trump’s Zero-Tolerance Immigration Policy - via

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