Hi I’m Luna, a self taught hobbyist! 💜

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so i watched "a Stella performance"

can we all agree that the conflict could've been easily solved if Lincoln had just said

"oh hey, i have a sister (referring to Luan, Luna, Lisa or even Lynn) used to be in front of an audience, i'm sure she can help you out with this" ?

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【X-Studio】The vocal synth of the hour is HeChang.
Also known as Luna, HeChang is one of the vocals available for X-Studio, a beta AI vocal synth developed by Microsoft. She is quiet and introverted, and sings with a soft tone.

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【X-Studio】The vocal synth of the hour is HeChang.
Also known as Luna, HeChang is one of the vocals available for X-Studio, a beta AI vocal synth developed by Microsoft. She is quiet and introverted, and sings with a soft tone.

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hello ppl,I bought aseprite less than a month ago and a few days ago I started this pixel art of Luna, (it's fucking sucks)

Luna belongs to:

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I'll do my best to list the sun of MEGAMI x CGC, Soleil, this week!☀️✨️
This is a bidding privilege WIP!
In contrast to the quiet and fragile Luna, Soleil is cheerful and bright!

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Ms. Luna, as graceful as ever 🥰😳

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Oh crap, Luna, I'm sorry I missed your birthday, oh GOD NO--

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..y porque mañana es otro dia 🌹

...bosquejo de la noche, El beso bajo la luna, tinta t acrilico sobre papel caligrafico.

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Luna, la gata negra. La botella de manicura en el centro tiene un patrón que emerge cuando se enciende el LED.

El Moon Stick mide unos 20,5 cm de longitud total. Una pedrería brilla en el centro y está bañada en oro blanco. Cuando presiona el botón, emite luz, y la luna

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“With Rogue One, we were asked to be different. We were a standalone. We were a different Star Wars story that had a beginning and an end. And now, we have a series that is a standalone again, with a beginning and an end. It’s meant to be different.“ -Diego Luna,

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...and one for the night 🌙

...bosquejo de la noche, bañista a la luz de la luna, después de Degas, tiza y pasteles.

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Thank you for Tagging me Rana! You're so sweet.

4 characters I identify with: Sopmod, Kaguya Luna, Gavial, Esseggs

Your turn https://t.co/Z6DBY5rbnB

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Amantes bajo la luna, El Beso

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Another one from Japan's : a 6U will test a water propulsion system with low thrust to keep orbit bt Earth & Luna, from where it
observes Earth's plasmasphere + doing some lunar flybys in the Earth-moon region.

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I uptaded Luna, I thought of getting her another hairstyle another time but rn this will be my refsheet of her ✨️

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More lunas!
Estas dos son: Abel "la parca" y CreepLuna, la versión monstruo de LunaGhost

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...y porque el dia ha terminado y la noche sera bella 🌹

...mujer bajo la luna, despues de Picasso, tinta y oleo.

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Comme j'ai pu dire à Luna, reste toi même, n'hésite pas à te confier aux gens, en parler, reprendre ton souffle de temps en temps. Ce n'est pas une marque de faiblesse de se dire "ok j'ai besoin d'une petite pause" ce sera tout à ton honneur. Beaucoup de love pour toi Lady Moe

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