Another tournament thanks for being my partner n crime and we got 3rd place 🧡💛 come join MGA discord server for tourneys and fun races

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The angel boye belongs to @/MiloMarioPixBro

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Peach wizard👑🍑-Mario Party 2
I always liked that in Mario Party 2 the characters changed their outfits on each board.

Sketch Vs Final

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*Whew* 2 long 10 hour streams total today. Time for rest haha. Did a Smash tournament, played some Mario Kart, and played 3 Interactive.

Thanks for the raids: dappyamen, , and nfshadow0666!

We raided ! Give her some love! 💙

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Day 2: Teleporting.💘
Phungus moves to the next Heart island, this is what happens if you landed on the Happening spaces.

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Here comes Princess Peach 🍑~
Continuing my Mario Party series from a couple of month ago.

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Sei mesi fa moriva cooperante dell'ONU impegnato in Colombia come mediatore di pace: una morte su cui continuano a rimanere dubbi e interrogativi da chiarire.

Siamo e saremo al fianco di chi continua a chiedere verità e giustizia.

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Here comes Wario! 🌟
*slowly continuing my Mario Party Serie*.

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