And I did it.
Bless these powerful women for giving birth to our yuumori boys

34 138


Да у меня

Да причём
здесь ты

7 79

Lately the only thing I’m doing in class is drawing them sos

12 61

How I imagine the scene went down🏃🏻 (the rest in the replies)

238 871

was bored in class so I doodled him >:3 also I just realized I can’t draw sunflowers help

9 37

Сьогодні я до вас з отакою картинкою Вільяма з Патріотизму Моріарті. Да-да він новорічний, але всеодно я рада що закінчила цю роботу 🥰

8 56

So Billy stole Sherlock (handmade) violin and used it as a guitar to sing "dumb ways to die" because he was staring to getting bored and wanted to tease his senpai without putting Liam in it

19 82

Another omori fanart ,the drawing is inspired by the music video from the song 絶対的少年值by YUUKI MIYAKE

1 15