サイツヨでしょ、でしょ? - アンナ (CV: 髙野麻美) & ナナカ (CV: 佳村はるか) (プリンセスコネクト! Re:Dive PRICONNE CHARACTER SONG 08)

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0 1

フェアリーテイルは夢の中 - リノ(CV:阿澄佳奈) (プリンセスコネクト!Re:Dive PRICONNE CHARACTER SONG 17)

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Todo: trace dog semen Jon Arbuckle as Kokkoro Priconne https://t.co/ouhPUebD5l

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princess connect season2 has started!
I'm looking forward to it very much!
Is the OP going to be the same as season1?
With an amazing previous doodle.

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