2/28 club asiaさんにて


チケットは2/4 20:00から!



17 84

2月28日(月)@ club asia

ekoms presents

OPEN 18:00 START 18:45
前売 ¥3,000 当日 ¥3,500 +1D



14 25

ekoms presents クロスノエシスAMEBA生誕LIVE
会場:club asia

OPEN 18:00 START 18:45
前売 ¥3,000 当日 ¥3,500 +1D

GUEST(五十音順):airattic / 代代代


18 54

More news soon on these books wot I dun the pictures for, publishing in the summer. Stay tuned.
For now, LOOK HERE...
...Pratting about in the newspaper can actually generate useful go-to character designs YEARS later!

0 1

WOW WOW WOW this is awesome!!!! TY so much!!!
I was just looking through your collection and thinking your project seems like its next in line to take off. Your is amazing and would make a great anime/ comic series imo🙏

1 6

You know what time it is! It is time to do what I do best! Ratting about in . I'll do some rat plays in labs tonight too 😆

Join me at:

0 2

this is Luci, he's my oldest oc and he's slowly been getting rattier as the years go on and i care deeply for him (i need to draw him more), he smokes cigarettes and is the designated driver of his friend group <3

0 3

Bucharatti fue mejor padre/madre para su banda que sus propios padres

3 82

Con le auto 2022 sparisce il concetto di "fondo piatto" e "T-tray". Red Bull, tramite assetto rake, riusciva a sfruttare meglio il fondo e diffusore 2021 per creare DF. Nel 2022 la chiave aero sarà nel generare grip anche nei tratti a bassa velocità.
Comparativa 👇

2 54

Oh hey look it's Ari...*SMACK*

"fuck off peasant can't you see I'm busy screaming at my roommates filthy need to shove condiments up his ass?!"

The Cesspool Arina clearly the brattiest brat that bratted ever

0 0

¡¡¡La Máscara Fraternidad pertenece a Frattiro!!!
¡¡¡El Pokémon Poder Grupal!!!
Este legendario Pokémon se presenta ante aquellos que desarrollan un gran poder en asociación con otros. Es la representación misma del Colectivismo.

Diseñazo de !!!

8 63

se non sono 1) apparentemente scontrosi con passato difficile 2) aspetto fisico e tratti delicati 3) big brains a volte con un pizzico di arroganza 4) psycho, allora non li voglio

0 12

Madame du Barry commissionò il suo primo ritratto alla pittrice Élisabeth L. Vigée Le Brun, nel 1781. Lo donò a Henry Seymour, un aristocratico inglese, suo amante

Ne rimase entusiasta e poco dopo ordinò alla stessa pittrice altri due ritratti. Per un altro suo amante (sotto👇)

4 29

Nature morte e ritratti di Martin Spenscer furono molto popolari, ma Lilly fu particolarmente noto for humorous
domestic genre scenes
Mother and child by the hearth 1867

0 1

📊 Metadata

🎯Give our enough substance to have strong, long-term utility
🎯Make collectability fun

✅Each Rat is 1 of 4 types: Pet, Pack, Lab, Street
✅Rat Type is determined by Rattributes (stats): Cunning, Cuteness, Rattitude
✅Each Rat has a backstory

0 3

A little comic that I forgot to post here of the Bucciaratti gang taking care of the babies🥺🥺
They would be very responsible, but in the beginning the boys would just be confused on how to take care of kids.

28 95

come cambiano in maniera significativa nel % di DWF

Rispetto al 2021 zona fondo/diffusore accumulerà fino +10% di DWF ma ha bisogno di +velocità, quindi bene nei tratti veloci.
Nel lento/inserimento serve carico anteriore per essere aggressivi. Sarà interessante

15 139