Bungou birthday! 🎂
Today you can give cake to 🄼🅄🅁🄾🄾 🅂🄰🄸🅂🄴🄸 by accessing the button "Limited Recollections" (限定回想) in Main Library.

4 16

新垣樽助さんの『Hello,Again ~昔からある場所~』素敵すぎる💕

0 8

Bungou birthday! 🎂
Today you can give cake to 🅈🄰🄽🄰🄶🄸🅃🄰 🄺🅄🄽🄸🄾 by accessing the button "Limited Recollections" (限定回想) in Main Library.

2 9

Bungou birthday! 🎂
Today you can give cake to 🄽🄸🄸🄼🄸 🄽🄰🄽🄺🄸🄲🄷🄸 by accessing the button "Limited Recollections" (限定回想) in Main Library.

1 7

No recollection if I posted this yet but here's the bloof ref sheet.

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0 1

YouTube MUSICでもう聴けるから、他のでも聴けると思う

3 20

Recollections of the events as extracted from the Aipes Nerve Mid Journey.

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0 1

Bungou birthday! 🎂
Today you can give cake to 🅈🄰🄼🄰🄼🄾🅃🄾 🅈🅄🅄🅉🄾🅄 by accessing the button "Limited Recollections" (限定回想) in Main Library.

1 9

i found this in my drive and I have no recollection of what it is or what it was for

1 30

Alright I've uploaded all that I can before my personal deadline

I'm taking a short break! I just need some time to relax recollect and take a break from everything

ill be gone for a week but will still tweet every now and then(no yt shiz)

see ya! 💙

art by

12 98

poor ruby, she went mad with the rules. and the bot is
driving her insane. poor stupid bitch XD

good side is that server is almost complete! here is the recollection of them rules!


4 34

Bungou birthday! 🎂
Today you can give cake to 🅃🄰🄽🄸🅉🄰🄺🄸 🄹🅄🄽🄸🄲🄷🄸🅁🄾🅄 by accessing the button "Limited Recollections" (限定回想) in Main Library.

6 17

【Tenma Saki】”Deep Recollections” 4★ Card (Gacha)

25 70

Caalan ! / 6.0 gear + Hoshikiri recollected :D

12 23