Nih, kukasih lagi rolenya Maeno-san satu /y

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R.I.P.* Sodom

* Rolento's Intimate Partner


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🎨Slava Korolenkov 🇷🇺

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Meanwhile the one time Rolento had a cameo in an anime he was kind of a perv. 🤷‍♂️

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The Mighty Nein! Finished the color on Nott, Fjord and Beauregard. Jester and Caleb are next!

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I woke up this morning with a very specific thought in my head and edited the pic from Rolento's SFA2 ending immediately.

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Some stuff for /xeno/ and then a WIP of one of my OCs, Kira (horned gal). Entrolenida is the working name for transparent belly/antennae girl.

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Rolen dibujos de al menos dos personajes para redibujarlos

Sólo escogeré los que me llamen la atención van

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Tras revisar la app de Bankia me he vuelto a dar cuenta de esta terrible verdad...

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It wouldn't be fair drawing ZeroLenny without drawing the great !

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A few of today’s notable baseball birthdays: Scott Rolen, Jim Fregosi, Tommy Herr, Ray Fosse

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"Zensur!", "Verbot", "Hass", "Angriff auf Demokratie" - der wichtige, sachliche Diskurs um Artikel 13 ist längst zur Bühne für Vereinzelte geworden, die lieber mit Kampfparolen und sachfremden Behauptungen durchs Dorf ziehen, statt ausgewogen aufzuklären. Ist das zielführend?

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No dejes que tus miedos controlen tu mundo, permitete vivir y para ello corre los riesgos que sean necesarios; puede que salgas lastimado, pero sino lo haces, jamás podrás jactarte de haber vivido como se debe
- Rolin -

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Rolento Schugerg on vacation, commission for 🌴🥥

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A drawing dedicated to who's my homie n my brolentine happy Valentine's day bro

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