Desenhei a Sakura na seleção feminina de vôlei 💕

98 370

Who is Sakura making a heart with?

I’m way more happy with this drawing of her than my last, please let me know what you think ☺️

4 5

La verdad es que no pude dejar de hacer un dibujo de Sakura bunny 🥰🐇

31 143

Day 8
"Transversal" Late 😥

(Naruto x Ao haru ride)

"I hope my look can convey everything I feel for you" 💕

48 212

The Genin Uchihas - Sakura, Sasuke & Sarada.
Illust. by
(this is a Sasuke month. Spare me)

4 29

One of the director of Boruto responded to my fellow sakura stan asking her here n twitter which part of the novel she would like to see.. I'm crying ya know 🤧 thank you 🥗💕

192 990

Creo que es tarde, pero quería subirlo de todos modos♡ // I think it's late but wanted to upload it anyway. ♡

7 21