non dominant hand scribble. eating apple w the other. dreaming of sleep in my mind.

19 70

just remembered it’s so

Hey! I’m PenScribble. I’m usually a traditional artist, though i’m workin on digital art too. I mainly just draw nintendo characters, but i’ve done some OCs and others.

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fb reminded me of this drawing i did on iscribble...remember that site

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An art group I'm in held a five-minute challenge, to draw a friend's profile pic. I chose , and further challenged myself to also recreate it in one hour. Here's the original photo...the five-minute scribble...and the one-hour drawing!

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i think it was a thing awhile back???

i start... with a scribble... for the general pose... and i design... by doodling it on a chiblet... and then i have at it...

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bad ched scribble. this ched says fuck

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National Scribble Day is not the same without someone who knows the paramountcy of squiggly lines. . "Great art starts with a scribble.” . ble Diane Alber, knows you gotta BBLE before you SCRI.

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Just a fast dream scribble. I have a lot of these" teeth falling out"-dreams. I want to draw more of these~

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Wamuu Beaming with Pride for his Masters
I pretty sure the big boi's Ultra-MEGA-Super-duper-proud of them 😅
it's a redraw a really old scribble.

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Bringing Rat back soon. :3)

Old ‘13/‘14 art and new scribble.

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Figure Drawing for the first time in A LONG WHILE so of course I’m reduced to illegible scribble. I have lost my POWER

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stress relief scribble...... my mood gets 8034983209840928423x better whenever i look at yamper...

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I was doing my responsibility and suddenly I lost my energy and interest. Tried to scribble for myself instead and then the remaining energy and interest totally dropped, nothing left except this scribble. I feel so horrible amg. I am going to try something else to soothe myself;

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Second art of the year and first time trying a pencil scribble...
Done digitally with autodesk

21 69

start ➡️finish !
my drawings always starts off as a chaotic scribble. always

16 86

Phone scribble. It gets boring and lonely on those interstellar travels.

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