Free lettuce, a furby worm, cool ravers, dope suits, colors in the floor, and several sleeves of communion wafers. was fuckin nuts

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Today is the Feast of St. Francis Xavier, Apostle to the Far East. A Basque priest who co-founded the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, and a missionary to India, Japan, and China, where he died on this day in 1552. The greatest missionary since St. Paul.
Ora pro nobis

83 281

I wanna get into building cosplay suits, but im Broke lol I wanna build things like a huge gaulent like garnet and thanos have big complex stuff. Like a working moving dinosaur head out of aluminum or whatever. I also want to do my comic but im working such long hours🤬😩

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One thing I love about and crypto is that we can leave the mundane 9-5 grind behind.

No more stiff suits, places to be, meetings, paperwork, red tape; boomer culture dies here.

Now I can find work on Discord and Twitter.

Fill ma cup!

0 4

wanted to do some comparisons on how the joint's were done on the different versions of ironman's suits,
and i gotta say...
quite a Stark contrast

0 3

New That Kardasim Podcast episode is out! The sisters talk about exotic ass cream, lawsuits, and valet.

4 53

Once my queue is cleared, I'd love to do another art slave fursuit trade with another fursuit maker! I love doing them! 😍

I can make you personal art pieces, fursuit concept art, adoptable designs for fursuits, badges to include with fursuit commissions, you name it! 💜💙

7 19

here's my cutie club™️; if you pick one of these guys then i'd filter it down to things like suits, pooltoy tfs, encasement & latex bondage

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Part 1 of my drawing the ladies in Batwoman in suits because I love women in suits, I did my girl Montoya first 😻

0 4

Hi! I'm Rin. This is my horny retweet account, you'll see a lot of murrsuits, tf, and vore.
If you don't like that you can follow me over at , where I post safer stuff.
Either way I hope you enjoy yourselves~

6 45

Even in the advent of mobile suits, air superiority is still a critical factor of war! Will the Zeta Plus A1 hold up the reputation of the Zeta lineage or will the Union flag force the opponent to surrender?
MS Fight, Ready? Go!

9 135

Completed commission for for two female ninetails suits, they turned out really good and it’ll be cool to see something like this IRL

1 6

Take a look at the artwork is top notch. You get a 4k version of your NFT and the details are unrivaled. The roadmap is stacked and the community is very welcoming to new members. Plus they have suits, and a tool to upgrade your PFP, take a look at my guy!

2 12

Newest Issue of Furry Weekly is out! Art, Writings, Fursuits, Raffles, all the latest happening in the Furry Community!

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Hello! I’m Rai, and I’m on the spectrum. Aspiring geologist, but I also make fursuits, digital art and recycle plastic into coasters! I also run a furry blog. Wow!

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In  culture, Skaði (Skadi) is the Goddess associated with bowhunting, skiing, winter, and mountains. Known as the "Snowshoe Goddess", she is passionate in her pursuits, especially in the pursuit of justice.

10 63

in the future, my room is probably gonna be full of SEED X Frame Mobile Suits, Victory Gundams and Zeon Mobile Suit

7 55

Remembering how at colossal east a few months ago there were two girls wearing suits, sunglasses, and bald caps - I almost asked if they were cosplaying Yasu or Rude but I'm really glad I didn't because they were cosplaying fucking Pitbull

8 42

Watched the movie, Gundam Reconguista in G Part 1.
It's cool, kind of complicated to understand what's going on. But, the animation is very impressive, it's good! The Mobile Suits, G-Self and Grimoire have a cool design. Like it a lot.
I give 7.5/10

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