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Beautiful tree #frog, endemic to #Tanzania - sadly threatened by habitat loss & international pet trade @WCSTanzania
WCS #Tanzania is working to protect #Amphibians - the most endangered group of animals on the planet #LeapDay
Juno's mountain blue #butterfly - a rare species found on #Kitulo Plateau in Southern #Tanzania. #ProtectedbyWCS.
Another #beautiful piece by our own @smarkestz This one of my favourite #frog species (wonder why) from SW #Tanzania
I am often asked "What #wildlife is there in #Zanzibar?" Here is a puddle #frog for starters. #inspiredbyWCSTanzania
Uporoto three-horned #chameleon, endemic to Tanzania's Southern Highlands. Protected by @WCSTanzania #inspiredbyWCS
It's #TanzaniaIndependenceDay and here is #magufulication
@KTNAfricaSpeaks @JoyDoreenBiira @KTNNews @KTNKenya
#Tanzania Nyerere,Mwinyi,Mkapa,Kikwete later #Museveni and #Mubage still in power @TheStarKenya
Will #Tanzania's president-elect manage the winds of change in his country? @StandardKenya @KTNKenya #Magufuli
Nothing negative to report #tanzaniadecides #Zanzibar #JohnMagufuli @TheStarKenya
CCM's #JohnMagufuli declared Fifth President of #Tanzania @KTNNews
NO politician alive is worth shedding BLOOD for #tanzaniadecides @TheStarKenya
Museveni keenly following #tanzaniadecides @KTNKenya @StandardKenya
#Tanzania2015 #Tanzania #TanzaniaVotes
Rhodolite, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Sienna(+Rose Quartz Tanzanite and Charmeine)#StevenUniverse AU Done and Coloured
Drew some tanzanite crystals tonight by request of a nice lady named Judith:) http://t.co/hHRMDvyYqA
Delighted to join WCS Tanzania. Hoping to use art and design to help fulfil the aim of 'DISCOVER, PROTECT, INSPIRE'
"Rich and poor relationship", by Popa Matumula, from Tanzania. Vía @cartoonmovement