Day one of COTS-tober! The first prompt was your oc as a leader. I finished this yesterday though.

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I gib her new design for dw9 (hey that rhymed)

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[Respost from my old account] Sona art and design my ! Still super happy with how this came out her name is Brighteyes and i just love her 😳

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A pair of colored sketch busts done for !!

I'm offering some discounted busts atm (linked in pinned)!

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A trio of symmetrical icons done for ! Loved drawing all these kitties

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yall seemed to like my previous headshots, so this time i offer you two busts! characters belong to me n are named roaringstar and bramblecall, designed by @/goosened and peonys on dA respectively!

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Cant decide which one I like more, hollyleaf or graystripe hmmm.

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two recent headshots of my babies figchaser and silverquill! designed by MaryJen and rosebees on dA respectivelly; you should totally check them out!

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Two recent art pieces!

First one is a gift for my bro second one is a request from someone on discord!!

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Pixel practice and cool off from exam stuff!

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