Etwas zeichnen zur Ablenkung.

Hab bestimmt schon 5 mal die Colo vom Webmanga geändert. Wtf wieso kann ich mich nur nicht entscheiden..?

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A wild update appears! Quick, catch Episode 3 before it's gone 😬 (kidding, it will still be there tomorrow)


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Well would ya look at that! There's a new Neguri-Senpai Episode out! Check out what exactly happened to the Class-President in the newest Episode!

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The last page of chapter 5 of silky-haired aliens in True Power: MS2! Read now at:


Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, I was sick!

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Thank you for the chance to introduce us ❤️

We are two people, one artist and one writer.
We are planing on releasing a webmanga this year.

In the meantime we post several Illustrations and Sketches 😊

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Thank you for this thread. 😘❤️

I draw stuff (OCs, fanart, Slice of life, …).
Currently I‘m working on my webmanga 'Memento Mori - a circus tale'.

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Follow my webcomic
This is a fantasy story when Anastasia travels to another world!
A world of danger, adventures and magic

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Aww. was ein süßer Thread. <3

Hi, ich bin Julia, wohne in Köln und zeichne alles was mich bewegt und inspiriert. (Serien/Filme, Games, OCs, ...) Sowohl analog als auch digital. ❤️

Aktuelles Projekt: mein Webmanga Memento Mori - a circus tale (shojo) ➡️

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this week's comic snippet for Chapter 1 Page 9 of my web comic ✨ yay i'm managing weekly updates~! \o/

More here! ✨(link:

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Bin momentan mit dem Webmanga beschäftigt..deswegen hau ich nur so wenig nebenbei raus XD

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this week's web comic snippet :V i may be doing it at a snail's pace but gosh dangit i'm doing it! 🔥😤

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Working on a web comic thing w/ Milala (and there's hubby Merk!). Maybe I'll even update it, sometimes!

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Character promo art for my webmanga, Babyface! Meet Marilyn Matsuda!

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Some of my latest artwork. They are kind of like promos for my web manga series I’m working on.

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I'm a simple cartoonist with an ongoing webmanga that also self publishes. Check out the manag here:

I'm close to hitting 100 followers. If I could reach that milestone that would be really cool.

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I have a free for everyone webmanga going on, on my Patreon. Plus 2 other manga I’m working on. Plus I draw a lot and love my cats.

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